Full Pattern Format

This is a simplified non-sparse (full) format definition. The sparse format could still be preferable for file storage and for playback only scenarios (e.g. in a game) where saving RAM is important.

Currently, unlike the proposed sparse format, this format only supports one effect per channel and only 64 row patterns. This keeps the size down to just over 5k so that each pattern can fit into a single page of hiram. This does allow the option for 255 effects though so macros could be one way around a single effect definition.

Because the size is fixed, we do not need to store row or channel counts.

Each row is, in order, the following:

5 bytes

| Note : Inst | Pan    : Vol    | Next Effect Flag : Effect # : Effect Data |
| Byte : Byte | 2-bits : 6-bits | Unused           : 7-bits   : Byte        |

2 bytes
| Note  : | Vol    : Effect |
| Byte  : | Nibble : Nibble |

Thus each row is 82 bytes in length and at fixed 64 rows, this ends up being 5248 bytes per pattern.

Note Values

Notes are broken up into nibbles. The top nibble is the octave, and the bottom the note. So for instance F#4 would be $47.

Note Nibble Values:
0 = C
1 = C#
2 = D
3 = D#
4 = E
5 = F
6 = F#
7 = G
8 = G#
9 = A
A = A#
B = B
C = <Reserved>
D = Release
E = Off
F = Noop